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5 Proven Strategies for Title Companies Marketing to Realtors [2024 edition]

Title & Escrow,
Published: Jun 13, 2023
Updated on: Mar 18, 2024
  by Editorial team

For your title business to succeed, you need to establish strong relationships with realtors who would bring you more business. In these turbulent times when every referral counts and many cannot afford to lose business, marketing to realtors became a priority for many title companies. Here are some ways for you to stand out from the competition and win more business at scale. But first things first.

Why would you want to market to realtors?

There are many benefits of building a partner network for any business. Given that the real estate industry is very personal and people-based, having reliable partners will help your business thrive.

Referrals and repeat business

If a realtor is happy with your work, they are likely to refer more of their clients to you. More referrals mean more business opportunities, and of course, more profit. 

Trust and credibility

The more you prove that you are a worthy partner, the higher the chance is of your realtor friends recommending your services to their clients. When you’ve gained their trust, you have a secure source of business. As a bonus, one of the strongest marketing tools, “word-of-mouth” advertising, also starts working for you.

Competitive advantage

Being backed by realtors is cool. It also makes you stand out from your competition and kickstarts your referral programs, which we will talk about later.

Collaboration on marketing initiatives

Co-branded materials, events, and content are easier to create when you are working with a partner. You have a chance to leverage the realtor’s reputation and connections to promote your business.

5 ideas for title companies marketing to realtors

Provide Valuable Resources

Or in simple words, give free knowledge. 

Create a dedicated section on your company website that includes informative articles, guides, and market reports. Cover topics that are relevant to realtors. For example, write an article on “Probate and heirship: the importance of a thorough probate review to ensure clear ownership”. It shows you understand the industry beyond just your day-to-day.

You can also create an infographic about the importance of payoff statements or the problems caused by unresolved liens. Visuals tend to grab much more attention on platforms like LinkedIn, and they also make great downloadable materials to have on your website. Don’t forget to stay on brand and use your company logo and colors.

Host Educational Workshops and Webinars

Organizing educational workshops and webinars tailored to the needs of realtors is another way to showcase expertise and make an impact. Here are some potential topics for webinars and panel discussions:

  • “Navigating Title Commitments: What Realtors Need to Know” 
  • “Mastering the Art of Smooth Closings” 
  • “What to expect from HOAs at closing”
  • “Explaining closing costs to clients”
  • “5 common reasons for delayed closings”

You get the idea. When organizing these, always strive to spark a conversation with your audience. This will make the event more engaging and will create more value for everyone involved. 

Always record your webinars (Zoom and GoToWebinar work well for us) and share the recordings on demand. You can later use them as a lead generation tool – make them available on your website in exchange for the prospect’s email.

Use Social Media to your advantage

Everyone is on social media today. You have no idea how many title agents and realtors promote their services through Insta reels. Or maybe you do and you are one of them 🙂 

Platforms like Instagram, Linkedin, and Twitter allow you to build your personal brand for free. Be online, be responsive, be helpful. With a simple post or story, you can showcase your expertise and help your audience get educated on the topic. For example, do a live Q&A session on Facebook where realtors can ask questions about title insurance and the closing process.

Don’t underestimate the power of social media. When you build a following, your most dedicated followers are the social media ones. To build a more personal connection and create what they now call a “tribe”, don’t be scared to share your personal life as well, to a reasonable extent. Remember to focus on your work and professional knowledge and throw in an occasional life update.

Collaborate with influencers. Identify influential real estate professionals, bloggers, or industry experts who have a significant following among realtors. Collaborate with them to create sponsored content, guest posts, or joint webinars to expand your reach and tap into their audience.

Provide exclusive value

Everyone provides value, or so they say. Your proposition should be better than your competition’s. Research your competitors and write down all benefits that they promote. See how many of those you also offer. 

Now see what you already offer on top of that. And then think of what else you can potentially offer. The potential offering should be something you can build/change quickly. And it should have enough significance to outsmart your competition.

Here are some examples of the extra value that you can offer:

  • Discounts for referrals
  • 3x faster turnaround times
  • A dedicated account manager
  • Additional document accuracy checks for every transaction
  • Finding the HOA in under 4 hours

Build referral programs

This one is big. Word-of-mouth referrals are powerful in the real estate industry, or any industry for that matter. Your program needs to be good enough to be worth considering by busy realtors.

You need strong incentives like:

  • Cash rewards, where realtors earn a $200 gift card for each successful client referral they make to your title agency
  • Profit sharing
  • Referral cards that realtors can distribute to their clients, offering a discount on closing costs when they choose your services.

This not only motivates realtors to work with you but also helps expand your client base. You can also leverage these connections to co-host webinars and learning sessions, share promotional materials, etc.

So why would you focus on marketing to realtors?

Here’s a recap: establish a presence in the industry, make friends who have lots of clients, and have potential clients come to you instead of chasing them. Long-lasting strategic partnerships have many obvious benefits, which you can leverage to get more business and recognition with less effort.

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Rexera in the News

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What our clients say about us?
Katie Zorn, Ambassador, Hankin & Pack
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I couldn't do my job without you
You all rock! Seriously. I do see all the hard work you guys do. This job isn't easy. I couldn't do my job without you guys so I mean it when I say YOU ROCK!
Katie Zorn, Ambassador, Hankin & Pack
Lori, Escrow Support Supervisor
A huge win for us
"Your team discovered the lien and let us know so we were able to get the payoff statement. We were also able to revisit the research and find the recorded lien.

This is a huge win for us – so THANK YOU for all you do!"
Lori, Escrow Support Supervisor
Brad Honn, Senior Director of Escrow and Title Operations, Homeward
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Worry-free closings
“As we all know, HOA issues can really blow up and cause a lot of problems for closing. So it helps us all sleep better knowing that there is not going to be a problem, or anything we forgot on the order, or an update that we forgot to complete before closing the transaction. Because we have a great partner Rexera (formerly InspectHOA), making sure that those things don’t happen to us.”
Brad Honn, Senior Director of Escrow and Title Operations, Homeward
Kacie McAteer, Vice President, Ideal Title Agency
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They always go the extra mile
"Rexera (formerly InspectHOA) is simply above the rest when it comes to our HOA needs. Their portal is perfect, their communication is constant, and they always go the extra mile in order to meet our deadlines and impress our customers. I would highly recommend them to everyone in the title insurance industry. Thank you Rexera for all that you do!"
Kacie McAteer, Vice President, Ideal Title Agency
Diana Casella, Ideal Title
A vendor that cares
"We’ve only been working with you all for a little while, but so far my team is singing nothing but praise and relief at finally having a Vendor that cares about these files as much as we do. "
Diana Casella, Ideal Title
Michelle Rose, Partner, Closing Day Settlements
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Number #1 for efficiency
"I highly Recommend Marina Hubenova and sending all orders to Rexera (formerly InspectHOA). I love sending all my orders through their client portal or in Qualia. They are number #1 with efficiency and detailed reports. I never think twice on placing my orders with them. "
Michelle Rose, Partner, Closing Day Settlements
Shawna Hernandez, Chief Operating Officer, Endpoint
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A partner for innovation
"We are constantly tweaking and refining our processes, so we needed a reliable partner that would go along this journey with us. And Rexera (formerly InspectHOA) is exactly that."
Shawna Hernandez, Chief Operating Officer, Endpoint
Cristina Sadler, Escrow Officer, TransCounty
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A way to take back control
“I was worried the job wouldn’t get done, but it always gets done! It’s worth it; it’s beyond worth it!"
Cristina Sadler, Escrow Officer, TransCounty
Scott Young, EasyKnock
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A solution to a historical problem
"Rexera (formerly InspectHOA) has been an instrumental partner in mitigating risk and creating efficiencies in our acquisition process. They are the solution to a historical problem that title companies and other vendors face in every transaction."
Scott Young, EasyKnock
Melissa Daniels, CEO, Emerald National Title
linked website
Going above and beyond
“Why does a closing have to feel like a transaction? At Emerald National Title, our vision is to create a customized experience with a dedicated closing officer. So when a closing goes sideways, and you have a partner like Rexera that sends someone to the HOA office in person to help resolve the issue, that is a partner that understands that buying a home is personal, not a transaction. That is an example of Rexera going above and beyond that directly supports the vision for my business.”
Melissa Daniels, CEO, Emerald National Title
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